Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos22113/u/1.jpg">
Homeopathic Medicine Main Indication: Motion sickness with a need to lie down Common Name: Indian cockle Use for symptoms listed below.
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
網路價:211元,結帳享5%折扣後 201 元
5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos10813/u/1.jpg">
Homeopathic Medicine Main Indication: High Fever of Sudden Onset with Perspiration Common Name: Deadly nightshade Use
For symptoms listed below.
5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
網路價:211元,結帳享5%折扣後 201 元
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos10831/u/1.jpg">
Homeopathic Medicine Main Indication: High fever of sudden onset with perspiration Common Name: Deadly nightshade Use For symptoms listed below.
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
網路價:281元,結帳享5%折扣後 267 元
Children 2 years of age and older. At the onset of symptoms, dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Then, dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved. Children under 2 years of age: Ask a doctor.
How do I use RhinAllergy Kids Pellets?
Turn tube upside down. Twist until 5 pellets are dispensed into cap. Carefully remove cap and use it to pour pellets under the tongue.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/boi/boi31743/u/11.jpg">
開始出現敏感症狀時使用 眼睛發癢、流眼水 打噴嚏 流鼻涕 咽喉鼻腔發癢 順勢護理方劑 不會引起瞌睡感 無已知方劑相互作用 2 歲及以上兒童 以自然方式説明您的身體 順勢療法方劑世界領隊人 用途:
可能有助於短暫舒緩乾草熱或其他上呼吸道敏感症引起的一種或多種不適症狀。 眼睛發癢、流眼水 打噴嚏 流鼻涕 喉嚨和鼻子發癢
Children 2 years of age and older. At the onset of symptoms, dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Then, dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved. Children under 2 years of age: Ask a doctor.
How do I use RhinAllergy Kids Pellets?
Turn tube upside down. Twist until 5 pellets are dispensed into cap. Carefully remove cap and use it to pour pellets under the tongue.
網路價:341元,結帳享5%折扣後 324 元
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos71213/u/1.jpg">
Homeopathic Medicine Main Indication: Skin Rash (Worsened by Heat and Water) Common Name: Sublimed Sulfur Use for symptoms listed below.
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved
網路價:211元,結帳享5%折扣後 201 元
撕開鋁箔袋的缺口邊緣。 打開一次性使用劑量。 擰開。 在受影響的眼睛中滴1至2滴,如有必要,可滴更多。 根據需要或按照醫生的指示,每天重複2至6次。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/boi/boi27772/u/4.jpg">
無菌一次性液體劑量 舒緩&清新 不含防腐劑 乾燥、瘙癢和粗砂的眼睛 紅色、燃燒和疲倦的眼睛 順勢調理 無醫學相互作用 天然方法幫助您的身體 Boiron - 順勢調理醫學的世界領導者 Boiron 承諾
暫時緩解由於疲勞或空氣刺激物,如豚草、其他花粉和灰塵引起的輕微的眼睛刺激 舒緩紅色、乾燥、瘙癢、砂礫、燃燒或疲憊的眼睛
撕開鋁箔袋的缺口邊緣。 打開一次性使用劑量。 擰開。 在受影響的眼睛中滴1至2滴,如有必要,可滴更多。 根據需要或按照醫生的指示,每天重複2至6次。
網路價:398元,結帳享5%折扣後 379 元
成年人和 2 歲及以上兒童:把整筒顆粒倒入口中,溶解後吞咽,每 6 小時服用一次,每日不超過 3 次。
2 歲以下兒童:請諮詢醫生。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/boi/boi87824/u/34.jpg">
Reduces Duration and Severity of Flu Symptoms Body Aches Headache Fever Chills Fatigue Homeopathic Medicine Non-Drowsy No Drug Interactions Safe for Ages 2 & Up Works Naturally with Your Body 30 Doses Family Value Pack World Leader in Homeopathic Medicines Uses: Temporarily relieves flu-like symptoms such as: body aches, headache, fever, chills, fatigue
成年人和 2 歲及以上兒童:把整筒顆粒倒入口中,溶解後吞咽,每 6 小時服用一次,每日不超過 3 次。
2 歲以下兒童:請諮詢醫生。
網路價:895元,結帳享5%折扣後 851 元
對於輕度燒燙傷,立即將傷口置於涼水下沖洗數分鐘,擦乾。對於割傷、擦傷、皮膚乾裂,先用溫和的肥皂水清洗,沖洗乾淨後擦乾。 然後在患處塗上薄薄一層金盞花軟膏,每日 3 次,或按需使用。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/boi/boi05250/u/15.jpg">
開始出現肌膚敏感症狀時使用! 割傷 擦傷 輕度燒傷 皮膚皸裂 順勢護理方劑 舒緩、呵護和修復肌膚 無防腐劑 對身體無害且快速緩解症狀 天然活性成分 順勢療法方劑世界領隊人 金盞花的使用歷史悠久,是一種有助於舒緩肌膚敏感的天然草本,可用於局部呵護修復肌膚。本金盞花軟膏產品可能有助於在傷口表面形成保護屏障,為受傷肌膚補充水分。可用於舒緩肌膚皸裂、水泡或尿布疹等肌膚問題。
Boiron 的承諾
在 Boiron,我們相信有更好的方式讓自己感覺更好。更自然,更優效。自 1932 年以來,Boiron 家族就致力於提供安心、天然方劑。我們在順勢護理方劑行業躋身世界前列的秘訣在於:全心全意關注您的健康。您的滿意是我們的承諾。
可能有助於割傷、擦傷和輕微燙傷肌膚快速復原 可能有助於修復乾燥皸裂的雙手和嘴唇,舒緩著涼引起的鼻敏感
對於輕度燒燙傷,立即將傷口置於涼水下沖洗數分鐘,擦乾。對於割傷、擦傷、皮膚乾裂,先用溫和的肥皂水清洗,沖洗乾淨後擦乾。 然後在患處塗上薄薄一層金盞花軟膏,每日 3 次,或按需使用。
網路價:189元,結帳享5%折扣後 180 元
Adults and children under 2 years of age. At the onset of symptoms, dissolve 2 tablets under the tongue every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Then, dissolve 2 tablets under the tongue every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Then, dissolve 2 tablets under the tongue 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved. Children 2 to 6 years of age: Dissolve 2 tablets in 1 tablespoon of water for easier intake. Follow directions above.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/boi/boi31504/u/10.jpg">
開始出現敏感症狀時使用 眼睛發癢、流眼水 打噴嚏 流鼻涕 咽喉鼻腔發癢 順勢護理方劑 不會引起瞌睡感 無已知方劑相互作用 以自然方式説明您的身體 順勢療法方劑世界領隊人 Boiron 的承諾
在 Boiron,我們相信,讓感覺好起來的方法,不止一種。自 1932 年以來,Boiron 家族就致力於提供優質方劑。作為順勢療法的全球先鋒者,您的健康一直是我們的追求目標。您的滿意是我們的承諾。
可能有助於短暫舒緩乾草熱或其他上呼吸道敏感症引起的一種或多種不適症狀。 眼睛發癢、流眼水 打噴嚏 流鼻涕 喉嚨和鼻子發癢
Adults and children under 2 years of age. At the onset of symptoms, dissolve 2 tablets under the tongue every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Then, dissolve 2 tablets under the tongue every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Then, dissolve 2 tablets under the tongue 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved. Children 2 to 6 years of age: Dissolve 2 tablets in 1 tablespoon of water for easier intake. Follow directions above.
網路價:296元,結帳享5%折扣後 282 元
Adults and children 3 years of age and older: At the onset of symptoms, dissolve 2 tablets under the tongue every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Then, dissolve 2 tablets under the tongue 3 times a day, until symptoms are relieved.
Children 3 to 6 years of age: Dissolve 2 tablets in 1 tablespoon of water for easier intake. Follow directions above.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/boi/boi60760/u/18.jpg">
開始出現著涼症狀時使用 打噴嚏 流鼻涕 鼻塞 輕微咽喉疼痛 順勢護理方劑 不會引起瞌睡感 無方劑相互作用 對身體無害且快速緩解症狀 順勢療法方劑世界領隊人 Boiron 的承諾
在 Boiron,我們相信有更好的方式讓自己感覺更好。更自然,更優效。自 1932 年以來,Boiron 家族就致力於提供安心、天然方劑。我們在順勢護理方劑行業躋身世界前列的秘訣在於:全心全意關注您的健康。您的滿意是我們的承諾。
Adults and children 3 years of age and older: At the onset of symptoms, dissolve 2 tablets under the tongue every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Then, dissolve 2 tablets under the tongue 3 times a day, until symptoms are relieved.
Children 3 to 6 years of age: Dissolve 2 tablets in 1 tablespoon of water for easier intake. Follow directions above.
網路價:296元,結帳享5%折扣後 282 元
成年人和 12 歲及以上兒童:切實可行時,用溫和潔膚皂和溫水輕輕清潔患處,然後徹底沖洗。在使用本產品之前,先用衛生紙或軟布輕拍或吸乾。早晚直腸給藥,置入 1 粒 HemCalm™ 栓劑。 12 歲以下兒童:請諮詢醫生。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/boi/boi12167/u/10.jpg">
植物活性物質 肛痔緩解劑* 灼燒感 - 瘙癢 - 疼痛 - 不適* 以自然方式説明您的身體 順勢護理方劑 消腫 不含防腐劑 順勢療法方劑世界領隊人 更好的方式 在 Boiron,我們相信有更好的方式讓自己感覺更好。始於 1932 年,Boiron 系列一直致力於通過可持續做法來提供特純淨的藥品。作為順勢療法藥品的全球先鋒者,產品品質一直是我們激情奮鬥的宗旨,而您的健康一直是我們的追求目標。
布瓦龍的承諾 您的健康值得獲得特大的尊重。這就是我們致力於讓您滿意的原因。
用途*: - 暫時緩解肛痔症狀,例如:
- 有助於縮小腫脹的肛痔。
- 緩解分娩後的肛痔症狀。
*C、K、CK、X 為順勢療法稀釋度
成年人和 12 歲及以上兒童:切實可行時,用溫和潔膚皂和溫水輕輕清潔患處,然後徹底沖洗。在使用本產品之前,先用衛生紙或軟布輕拍或吸乾。早晚直腸給藥,置入 1 粒 HemCalm™ 栓劑。 12 歲以下兒童:請諮詢醫生。
網路價:331元,結帳享5%折扣後 315 元
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos51113/u/1.jpg">
Homeopathic Medicine Allergic Runny Nose Use for symptoms listed below.
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
網路價:211元,結帳享5%折扣後 201 元
5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos07613/u/1.jpg">
Homeopathic Medicine Symptoms of Food Poisoning Use: for symptoms listed below.
5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
網路價:169元,結帳享5%折扣後 161 元
倒置試管。 扭轉,直至 5 粒顆粒分配到蓋上。 小心取下蓋子,用其將顆粒倒在舌下。 成年人與兒童:症狀發作時,每日 3 次,每次在舌頭下溶解 5 片,直至症狀緩解,或遵照醫生指示。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos07631/u/7.jpg">
倒置試管。 扭轉,直至 5 粒顆粒分配到蓋上。 小心取下蓋子,用其將顆粒倒在舌下。 成年人與兒童:症狀發作時,每日 3 次,每次在舌頭下溶解 5 片,直至症狀緩解,或遵照醫生指示。
網路價:281元,結帳享5%折扣後 267 元
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos68413/u/1.jpg">
Homeopathic Medicine Fatigue and Irritability Due to Overwork Uses: for symptoms listed below.
Main Indication: Fatigue and irritability due to overwork Common Name: Silica
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
網路價:211元,結帳享5%折扣後 201 元
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos68431/u/3.jpg">
Homeopathic Medicine Main Indication: Fatigue and irritability due to overwork Common Name: Silica Use for symptoms listed below.
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
網路價:281元,結帳享5%折扣後 267 元
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos19313/u/3.jpg">
Homeopathic Medicine Teething Pain with Irritability Use: for symptoms listed below.
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
網路價:211元,結帳享5%折扣後 201 元
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos52713/u/1.jpg">
Homeopathic Medicine Main Indication: Heartburn or Drowsiness Due to Excessive Eating or Drinking. Common Name: Poison Nut Use for symptoms listed below.
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
網路價:211元,結帳享5%折扣後 201 元
How do I use Nux Vomica 30C?
Pull tab first. Turn tube upside down and twist pellet dispenser. Twist until 5 pellets have fallen into cap. Carefully remove cap. Use cap to pour pellets under the tongue and allow them to dissolve. Directions
Adults 21 years of age and older: If you are taking this medicine to relieve a hangover, dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved, or as directed by a doctor. Adults and children 12 years of age and older: If you are taking this medicine to relieve an upset stomach, nausea or heartburn, dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved, or as directed by a doctor.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos84424/u/3.jpg">
Indigestion Upset Stomach Nausea Heartburn Safe No Side Effects No Drug Interactions Works Naturally with Your Body Natural Active Ingredient World Leader in Homeopathic Medicines Buy 2 Get 1 Free! Quick Dissolving Uses
Temporarily relieves occasional heartburn, acid indigestion or sour stomach. Temporarily relieves upset stomach associated with nausea or fullness due to overindulgence in food or drink
How do I use Nux Vomica 30C?
Pull tab first. Turn tube upside down and twist pellet dispenser. Twist until 5 pellets have fallen into cap. Carefully remove cap. Use cap to pour pellets under the tongue and allow them to dissolve. Directions
Adults 21 years of age and older: If you are taking this medicine to relieve a hangover, dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved, or as directed by a doctor. Adults and children 12 years of age and older: If you are taking this medicine to relieve an upset stomach, nausea or heartburn, dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved, or as directed by a doctor.
網路價:421元,結帳享5%折扣後 400 元
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos52731/u/1.jpg">
Homeopathic Medicine Main Indication: Heartburn or Drowsiness Due to Excessive Eating or Drinking Common Name: Poison Nut Use for symptoms listed below.
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
網路價:281元,結帳享5%折扣後 267 元
我如何使用順勢抗組胺藥 30C?
首先拉下拉片。將藥管倒立並扭開分藥器。 扭開,直到 5 粒藥掉入蓋中。小心取下蓋子。 使用蓋子將顆粒倒在舌頭下,讓它們溶解。 成人和 2 歲及以上兒童: 一出現症狀,1 小時內每隔 15 分鐘在舌下溶解 5 粒。然後每天服用 3 次,每次溶解 5 粒於舌下,直到症狀緩解。 2 歲以下兒童:諮詢醫生。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos96124/u/11.jpg">
緩解過敏 枯草熱 斑疹 不致瞌睡 無已知的醫學相互作用 天然方法幫助您的身體 免費贈 1 管 順勢調理醫學的世界領導者 用途 :暫時緩解過敏症狀,如枯草熱、斑疹
我如何使用順勢抗組胺藥 30C?
首先拉下拉片。將藥管倒立並扭開分藥器。 扭開,直到 5 粒藥掉入蓋中。小心取下蓋子。 使用蓋子將顆粒倒在舌頭下,讓它們溶解。 成人和 2 歲及以上兒童: 一出現症狀,1 小時內每隔 15 分鐘在舌下溶解 5 粒。然後每天服用 3 次,每次溶解 5 粒於舌下,直到症狀緩解。 2 歲以下兒童:諮詢醫生。
網路價:421元,結帳享5%折扣後 400 元
5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos01713/u/3.jpg">
Homeopathic Medicine Main Indication: Allergies Common Name: Histamine Dihydrochloride Use
For symptoms listed below.
5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
網路價:211元,結帳享5%折扣後 201 元
5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos01731/u/1.jpg">
Homeopathic Medicine Main Indication: Allergies Common Name: Histamine dihydrochloride Use
For symptoms listed below.
5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
網路價:281元,結帳享5%折扣後 267 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos73531/u/1.jpg">
網路價:281元,結帳享5%折扣後 267 元
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos73513/u/1.jpg">
Homeopathic Medicine Main Indication: Warts Common Name: White cedar Use for symptoms listed below.
Directions 5 pellets 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved.
網路價:212元,結帳享5%折扣後 202 元
用法用量說明 每日三次,每次5粒小丸,直至症狀緩解。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos07513/u/3.jpg">
順勢調理醫學 肌肉疼痛和僵硬,損傷導致的腫脹,瘀傷斑點 用途 適合以下所列症狀。
用法用量說明 每日三次,每次5粒小丸,直至症狀緩解。
網路價:211元,結帳享5%折扣後 201 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos79724/u/47.jpg">
減輕痛苦 肌肉疼痛 &僵直 傷痛腫脹 淤青 不致瞌睡 無已知的醫學相互作用 順勢調理 山金車天然活性成分 1管免費 順勢調理醫學的世界領導者 山金車已作為自然止痛藥經被使用了幾個世紀。今天,它已經發展成為全世界極受歡迎的順勢調理醫學之一。山金車受到專業運動員的信賴,可以緩解肌肉酸痛,著名的整形外科醫生用來緩解術後疼痛,精明的媽媽們用來緩解操場上的磕碰和瘀傷。
暫時減輕由於輕微受傷,過度勞累和摔倒造成的肌肉疼痛和僵硬 減少瘀傷引起的疼痛、腫脹和變色
網路價:421元,結帳享5%折扣後 400 元
Adults and children: At the onset of symptoms, dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved or as directed by a doctor.
How do I use Arnica 30X?
Turn tube upside down. Twist until 5 pellet are dispensed into cap. Carefully remove cap and use it to pour pellets under the tongue.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bos/bos05043/u/1.jpg">
減輕痛苦 肌肉疼痛 &僵直 傷痛腫脹 淤青 不會致困 無已知的副作用 沒有已知的醫學相互作用 順勢調理 山金車天然活性成分 順勢調理醫學的世界領導者 免費贈1管 疼痛初期使用 山金車已作為自然止痛藥經被使用了幾個世紀。今天,它已經發展成為全世界極受歡迎的順勢調理醫學之一。山金車是專業運動員值得信賴的,可以減輕肌肉疼痛,由著名的整形外科醫生減輕手術痛苦,精明的母親緩解運動場碰傷和瘀傷。
暫時減輕由於輕微受傷,過度勞累和摔倒造成的肌肉疼痛和僵硬 減少瘀傷引起的疼痛、腫脹和變色
Adults and children: At the onset of symptoms, dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue 3 times a day until symptoms are relieved or as directed by a doctor.
How do I use Arnica 30X?
Turn tube upside down. Twist until 5 pellet are dispensed into cap. Carefully remove cap and use it to pour pellets under the tongue.
網路價:421元,結帳享5%折扣後 400 元
Sublingual medication. Place tablets under tongue at let dissolve slowly. Best if taken at least 15 minutes before or half an hour after eating, brushing teeth or drinking anything except water. Adults & Children over 12 years of age: At first sign of cold or flu, take 1 tablet every hour and 2 or 3 tablets before going to sleep. As symptoms subside take 1 tablet every 2 or 3 hours. Children 6 to 12: Take 1/2 tablet every hour and 1 or 1 1/2 tablets before going to sleep. As symptoms subside, take 1/2 tablet every 2 or 3 hours.
Children under 6 years of age: Ask a doctor.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bat/bat03398/u/3.jpg">
Est. 1835 Relieves Symptoms of Colds & Flu Homeopathic Take at the First Sign of Cold or Flu For Temporary Relief of:
Fever Chills Sneezing Stuffed-Up Nose Runny Nose Coughing Sore Throat Headache Minor Aches & Pains Contains no anthistamines
Sublingual medication. Place tablets under tongue at let dissolve slowly. Best if taken at least 15 minutes before or half an hour after eating, brushing teeth or drinking anything except water. Adults & Children over 12 years of age: At first sign of cold or flu, take 1 tablet every hour and 2 or 3 tablets before going to sleep. As symptoms subside take 1 tablet every 2 or 3 hours. Children 6 to 12: Take 1/2 tablet every hour and 1 or 1 1/2 tablets before going to sleep. As symptoms subside, take 1/2 tablet every 2 or 3 hours.
Children under 6 years of age: Ask a doctor.
網路價:320元,結帳享5%折扣後 304 元
Topical Pain Reliever Relief for Muscle Pain & Stiffness Clean, Pleasant to Use Non-Greasy Est. 1835 Homeopathic Topical Gel Relieves:
Pain Swelling Stiffness Bruising Arniflora is a homeopathic preparation containing 8% tincture of Arnica montana, used to relieve the after-effects of falls, blows, sports injuries and overexertion. It helps temporarily relieve the pain, swelling and muscle stiffness caused by over-exercising and physical trauma.
Temporary relieves muscle pain, stiffness and swelling associated with overexertion, sprains, falls, blows and minor sports injuries. Relieves pain, swelling and discoloration from bruises.
Apply thin layer to affected area. Massage gently or use compress. For best results, use promptly after injury or trauma occurs. Adults & children 2 years of age and older: apply to affected area up to 4 times daily. Children under 2 years of age: consult a doctor. Patch test recommended on sensitive skin. Other information
To open: unscrew cap, puncture tube seal, screw cap back on tube.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bat/bat25097/u/3.jpg">
Topical Pain Reliever Relief for Muscle Pain & Stiffness Clean, Pleasant to Use Non-Greasy Est. 1835 Homeopathic Topical Gel Relieves:
Pain Swelling Stiffness Bruising Arniflora is a homeopathic preparation containing 8% tincture of Arnica montana, used to relieve the after-effects of falls, blows, sports injuries and overexertion. It helps temporarily relieve the pain, swelling and muscle stiffness caused by over-exercising and physical trauma.
Temporary relieves muscle pain, stiffness and swelling associated with overexertion, sprains, falls, blows and minor sports injuries. Relieves pain, swelling and discoloration from bruises.
Apply thin layer to affected area. Massage gently or use compress. For best results, use promptly after injury or trauma occurs. Adults & children 2 years of age and older: apply to affected area up to 4 times daily. Children under 2 years of age: consult a doctor. Patch test recommended on sensitive skin. Other information
To open: unscrew cap, puncture tube seal, screw cap back on tube.
網路價:311元,結帳享5%折扣後 296 元
成人及兩歲含以上兒童: 取適量本品輕塗於相關部位,每日4次。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bat/bat50390/u/3.jpg">
Alternative for Eczema Relief for Itches & Rashes Cortisone-Free Topical Cream Eczema Cream Non-Greasy Relieves:
Itching Eczema Inflammation Rashes Florasone cream relieves the itch and inflammation from eczema, rashes, dry skin and skin allergies. It contains tincture of Cardiospermum halicacabum, which has been used for centuries to treat skin disorders.
成人及兩歲含以上兒童: 取適量本品輕塗於相關部位,每日4次。
網路價:265元,結帳享5%折扣後 252 元
成人和兒童12歲及以上: 每2小時2片,直到緩解。
C12歲以下兒童: 諮詢醫生。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bat/bat14098/u/6.jpg">
始創於1835年 緩解支氣管阻塞 順勢調理 幫助化痰 用法:
成人和兒童12歲及以上: 每2小時2片,直到緩解。
C12歲以下兒童: 諮詢醫生。
網路價:294元,結帳享5%折扣後 280 元
Relief for Itch & Pain of Insect Bites Great for Cold Sores & Fever Blisters Non-Greasy Est. 1835 Homeopathic Relieves:
Itch Pain Redness of Insect Bites/Stings SssstingStop gel with Citronella is for the itch, pain, and redness of insect bites and stings. It contains no hydrocortisone, antihistamines, DEET or synthetic medications.
SssstingStop gel is also used for fever blisters and cold sores. It also alleviates the itch and pain of poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac.
Temporarily relieves the pain, itch, redness and swelling of minor insect bites and stings (ants, bees, mosquitos, wasps, etc.). Soothes fever blisters and cold sores.
Adults & children 2 years of age and older: apply to affected area. Repeat as needed. Children under 2 years of age: consult a doctor. Patch test recommended on sensitive skin. To open: Unscrew cap, puncture tube seal, screw cap back on tube.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bat/bat25397/u/3.jpg">
Relief for Itch & Pain of Insect Bites Great for Cold Sores & Fever Blisters Non-Greasy Est. 1835 Homeopathic Relieves:
Itch Pain Redness of Insect Bites/Stings SssstingStop gel with Citronella is for the itch, pain, and redness of insect bites and stings. It contains no hydrocortisone, antihistamines, DEET or synthetic medications.
SssstingStop gel is also used for fever blisters and cold sores. It also alleviates the itch and pain of poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac.
Temporarily relieves the pain, itch, redness and swelling of minor insect bites and stings (ants, bees, mosquitos, wasps, etc.). Soothes fever blisters and cold sores.
Adults & children 2 years of age and older: apply to affected area. Repeat as needed. Children under 2 years of age: consult a doctor. Patch test recommended on sensitive skin. To open: Unscrew cap, puncture tube seal, screw cap back on tube.
網路價:311元,結帳享5%折扣後 296 元
年齡 劑量 成人& 12 歲及以上兒童 每 2 個小時服用 2 茶匙(10 毫升)。對於嚴重咳嗽,頭個小時每 20 分鐘重複使用一次,然後每 2 個小時使用一次。 12 歲以下兒童 12 歲以下兒童請在使用之前諮詢醫生。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bat/bat00294/u/15.jpg">
Est. 1835 Non-Drowsy Expectorant Cough Suppressant Homeopathic 10.2% Alcohol Relieves Coughs Clears Bronchial Congestion Soothes the Throat No Artificial Flavors or Colors Non-Narcotic Uses:
Temporarily relieves coughs due to minor throat and bronchial irritation as may occur with a cold. Helps loosen phlegm (mucus) and thin bronchial secretions to drain bronchial tubes. Soothes the throat.
年齡 劑量 成人& 12 歲及以上兒童 每 2 個小時服用 2 茶匙(10 毫升)。對於嚴重咳嗽,頭個小時每 20 分鐘重複使用一次,然後每 2 個小時使用一次。 12 歲以下兒童 12 歲以下兒童請在使用之前諮詢醫生。
網路價:322元,結帳享5%折扣後 306 元
Shake well before use.
Age Dose Adults & Children 12 Years of Age and Older Take 2 teaspoons (tsp) (10 mL) 1/2 hour before bedtime. Dose may be repeated if necessary. Children Under 12 Years of Age Consult a physician.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bat/bat00694/u/13.jpg">
Est. 1985 For Restful Sleep Cough Suppressant Expectorant Homeopathic 10.5% Alcohol Relieves Coughs Clears Bronchial Congestion Soothes the Throat No Artificial Flavors or Colors Non-Narcotic Uses:
Temporarily relieves coughs due to minor throat and bronchial irritation occurring with a cold. Helps loosen phlegm (mucus) and thin bronchial secretions to drain bronchial tubes. Soothes the throat.
Shake well before use.
Age Dose Adults & Children 12 Years of Age and Older Take 2 teaspoons (tsp) (10 mL) 1/2 hour before bedtime. Dose may be repeated if necessary. Children Under 12 Years of Age Consult a physician.
網路價:322元,結帳享5%折扣後 306 元
Shake well before use.
Adults & children 12 years of age & older: Take 1-2 teaspoons (tbs) (5-10 ml) every 4-6 hours. Do not exceed 12 teaspoonful’s in a 24-hour period.
Children under 12: Consult a physician.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bat/bat01194/u/3.jpg">
Zinc Formula Non-Drowsy Expectorant†† Cough Suppressant†† Homeopathic Relieves Coughs†† Clears Bronchial Congestion†† Soothes the Throat†† No Artificial Flavors or Colors Non-Narcotic Uses:
Temporarily relieves coughs due to minor throat & bronchial irritation as may occur with a cold.†† Helps loosen phlegm (mucus) & thin bronchial secretions to drain bronchial tubes.†† Soothes the throat.††
Shake well before use.
Adults & children 12 years of age & older: Take 1-2 teaspoons (tbs) (5-10 ml) every 4-6 hours. Do not exceed 12 teaspoonful’s in a 24-hour period.
Children under 12: Consult a physician.
網路價:322元,結帳享5%折扣後 306 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/phn/phn02026/u/3.jpg">
全天然 旨在支持正常健康的大腦功能 保證效力 易於吞咽 膳食補充劑 未添加興奮劑 銀杏是什麼?
銀杏的葉採用濃縮藥效保證的萃取物,含有 24% 的黃酮苷和 6% 的萜內酯,為每個片劑提供一致水準的活性成分。這是許多銀杏的葉科學研究中使用的標準化水準。
Body Gold 致力於通過嚴格的標準和上佳的配料生產優質的產品。
網路價:313元,結帳享5%折扣後 298 元
作為膳食補充劑,每日咀嚼兩 (2) 顆軟糖,或遵醫囑。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/btz/btz11991/u/10.jpg">
專業級補充劑 銷量前列品牌 3 重免疫加強 天然接骨木漿果 日常免疫支持 優效抗氧成分 味道好 無填充物或 GMO 膳食補充劑 品質保證 優質 無麩質成分 GMP - 良好生產規範 第 3 方認可 - 全天然 - 高品質 我們在創新的技術與自然界純淨的營養成分之間取得漂亮平衡,從而創造出優越的產品。我們致力於提供更優質的補品,而無需高昂價格。
作為膳食補充劑,每日咀嚼兩 (2) 顆軟糖,或遵醫囑。
網路價:473元,結帳享5%折扣後 450 元
作為膳食補充劑,每日一次,每次服用一 (1) 粒膠囊,隨餐和隨水服用為宜,或遵醫囑。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/btz/btz75126/u/1.jpg">
優質 專業級補充劑 銷量前列品牌 3 重免疫增強 含鋅和 200% 維生素 C 含天然接骨木 提高自然免疫過程 優效抵禦氧化自由基配方 每日或第一次流鼻涕時服用 易吞咽素食膠囊 客戶喜愛產品 - 5 星保證 - 100% 滿意度 經實驗室測試和第三方認可的純度和效力 60 天劑量 膳食補充劑 BioSchwartz® 安全 - 知識 - 品質 - 承諾 - 誠實 - 高標準 接骨木漿果是大自然極不為人知的秘密之一 無谷蛋白成分 GMP - 良好生產規範 是什麼讓我們的接骨木更好? 我們的優質補充劑以更優質的原材料和嚴格的質量控制標準生產,確保開發出更高質量的補品。
優效抵禦氧化自由基配方 我們的接骨木漿果補劑結合力功能強大的抵禦氧化自由基成分,可有效支持健康的免疫系統。
持續免疫支持 接骨木漿果非常適合您日常、持續的免疫支持,或在感冒和流感季節出現早期症狀時使用。
由專業人士配製 我們的每一個高級配方都是由經驗豐富的專業團隊打造,以確保實現更大的收益。
天然,無敏感原 僅使用創新技術,我們能夠開發出不含GMO成分、過敏原和其他有害添加劑的產品。
我們對品質的承諾 “ 在 BioSchwartz®,我們在創新的技術與自然界純淨的營養成分之間取得完美平衡,從而創造出卓越的產品。我們承諾提供高級優質產品。我們致力於提供更優質的補品,而無需高昂價格。”
作為膳食補充劑,每日一次,每次服用一 (1) 粒膠囊,隨餐和隨水服用為宜,或遵醫囑。
網路價:473元,結帳享5%折扣後 450 元
用作日常營養支援產品時,每日一 (1) 茶匙(5 毫升)即可。身體出現不適症狀時,每日兩 (2) 茶匙(10 毫升)。可配合清水或果汁飲用。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/btz/btz51254/u/0.jpg">
專業級 銷量前列品牌 高級配方 免疫支持 由純接骨木製成 優效抵禦氧化自由基成分 可能有助於提高機體能力 Non-GMO 味道好極了 膳食補充劑 品質保證 優質 - 專業等級補品
用作日常營養支援產品時,每日一 (1) 茶匙(5 毫升)即可。身體出現不適症狀時,每日兩 (2) 茶匙(10 毫升)。可配合清水或果汁飲用。
網路價:593元,結帳享5%折扣後 564 元
成年人: 從水或葡萄汁中加入 13 滴,每日 2 次,空腹服用。增加劑量直到攝入量達到 6-8 滴管,每日 2 次。保持較大劑量 2 周。停用 1 周;在較大劑量下修復 2 周。清潔完成。
兒童: 從較低建議量開始,增加至較高攝入量。使用上面相同的時間表。
1-40 磅:1-3 滴;至多 1 滴管(26 滴),40-75 磅:3-6 滴;至多 2 滴管(52 滴),超過 75 磅:8-12 滴;至多 4 滴管(104 滴)
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bry/bry00005/u/4.jpg">
成年人: 從水或葡萄汁中加入 13 滴,每日 2 次,空腹服用。增加劑量直到攝入量達到 6-8 滴管,每日 2 次。保持較大劑量 2 周。停用 1 周;在較大劑量下修復 2 周。清潔完成。
兒童: 從較低建議量開始,增加至較高攝入量。使用上面相同的時間表。
1-40 磅:1-3 滴;至多 1 滴管(26 滴),40-75 磅:3-6 滴;至多 2 滴管(52 滴),超過 75 磅:8-12 滴;至多 4 滴管(104 滴)
網路價:959元,結帳享5%折扣後 912 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bit/bit53000/u/3.jpg">
100% 天然
30 天劑量
網路價:739元,結帳享5%折扣後 703 元
用作膳食補充劑時,每日 3 次,每次 1 茶匙。偶爾(2-3 天)可增至每日 6 次,每次 1 茶匙。12 歲以下兒童用量減半。可直接飲用或與果汁混合後飲用。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bst/bst60801/u/3.jpg">
追求健康 活力能力免疫 61種微量營養 發酵全食物營養補充劑 不含 GMO 素食 不含乳糖 無人工成分 猶太潔食 天然發酵 30種微量元素 維生素和礦物質 20 氨基酸 15種草本 益生元 抗氧益處 Strath® 是如何發揮作用的? 面對事實吧 - 大多數人均未能從日常飲食中攝入足量的維生素和其他營養物質,而我們從食物或營養補充劑中攝取的營養還要面對惡劣的消化環境,很難被人體充分吸收。要想維生素和其他營養物質充分發揮作用,我們必須為其創造良好的體內環境,然而我們大部分人都無法做到這一點。
這時,Strath® 就能派上用場了。我們使用了一種名為“啤酒酵母”的營養酵母,我們把它稱為“有益酵母”。我們用各種有益健康的草本來培養營養酵母細胞,這些草本富含人體所需的各種重要營養素。換句話說,這些酵母細胞正以各種重要營養素為食。
人體消化系統無法分解這種營養酵母的細胞壁,因此,Bio-Strath 還要進一步處理這種營養酵母。我們讓營養酵母細胞停止生長,繼而打開細胞壁。上述過程稱為質壁分離,由於這些營養酵母細胞已消化了各種營養素,因此,我們可以通過這些細胞輕鬆吸收人體所需的重要營養素。
用作膳食補充劑時,每日 3 次,每次 1 茶匙。偶爾(2-3 天)可增至每日 6 次,每次 1 茶匙。12 歲以下兒童用量減半。可直接飲用或與果汁混合後飲用。
網路價:377元,結帳享5%折扣後 359 元
Gluten Free & Non GMO Daily With Medicinal Mushrooms & Micronized Chlorella Detox Replenish Daily Dietary Supplement Soy Free Non-Dairy Vegetarian Generation Rescue Recommended cGMP certified Organic Herbs Naturopath Doctor Formulated Our probiotics are hypoallergenic, in a non-dairy, rice base.
Poor memory, Feeling Blue, Low Energy?
Support memory & immunity Balance histamine response Eliminate brain fog Increase vitality, energy & focus At Bioray we have married ancient Chinese herbalism with science to bring you the most effective all-natural products.
Primary Detox
Provides Heavy Duty Detoxification of Toxic Heavy Metals and Chemicals including Lead, Mercury, Dioxin, PBBs and Organotoxins Supports Healthy Adrenal Function Nourishes the Liver Has Trace Minerals, Vitamins, RNA/DNA For over 25 years Bioray herbal & probiotics products have been utilized as a trusted partner and natural solution for health and wellbeing.
"The herbs in our products follow nature and work in harmony with people." -Stephanie Ray, ND, Founder & President
For Teens & Adults: Shake well. Take 1 ml, 1-2 times per day in water, juice, or tea. Recommended for a minimum of 2-4 months or as needed depending upon individual imbalances.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bry/bry16004/u/3.jpg">
Gluten Free & Non GMO Daily With Medicinal Mushrooms & Micronized Chlorella Detox Replenish Daily Dietary Supplement Soy Free Non-Dairy Vegetarian Generation Rescue Recommended cGMP certified Organic Herbs Naturopath Doctor Formulated Our probiotics are hypoallergenic, in a non-dairy, rice base.
Poor memory, Feeling Blue, Low Energy?
Support memory & immunity Balance histamine response Eliminate brain fog Increase vitality, energy & focus At Bioray we have married ancient Chinese herbalism with science to bring you the most effective all-natural products.
Primary Detox
Provides Heavy Duty Detoxification of Toxic Heavy Metals and Chemicals including Lead, Mercury, Dioxin, PBBs and Organotoxins Supports Healthy Adrenal Function Nourishes the Liver Has Trace Minerals, Vitamins, RNA/DNA For over 25 years Bioray herbal & probiotics products have been utilized as a trusted partner and natural solution for health and wellbeing.
"The herbs in our products follow nature and work in harmony with people." -Stephanie Ray, ND, Founder & President
For Teens & Adults: Shake well. Take 1 ml, 1-2 times per day in water, juice, or tea. Recommended for a minimum of 2-4 months or as needed depending upon individual imbalances.
網路價:852元,結帳享5%折扣後 810 元
兒童 -將1滴該藥品溶于4盎司水或飲料中,每日早晨一次。每隔兩周,增加1滴的用量,逐漸加量至26滴,每日2次。
成人 -將1-3滴該藥品溶于10盎司水中,每日早晨一次。每隔一周,增加1-3滴的量,逐漸加量至52滴,每日2次。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bry/bry46495/u/3.jpg">
The Natural Detox Company
Dietary Supplement
NDF Plus Gentle Organic Detox is a certified organic dietary supplement for the safe and effective removal of heavy metals and chemicals.
BioRay uses certified organic and wildcrafted ingredients. BioRay was established in 1991. All BioRay products have been tested and used in clinic.
兒童 -將1滴該藥品溶于4盎司水或飲料中,每日早晨一次。每隔兩周,增加1滴的用量,逐漸加量至26滴,每日2次。
成人 -將1-3滴該藥品溶于10盎司水中,每日早晨一次。每隔一周,增加1-3滴的量,逐漸加量至52滴,每日2次。
網路價:2,104元,結帳享5%折扣後 1,999 元
兒童 — 每日早上服用一次,滴1滴至4盎司的水或果汁中飲用。每2周增加1滴劑量,逐步增加到26滴,每日2次。
成人 — 每日早上服用一次,1-3滴至10盎司的水或果汁中飲用。每週增加1-3滴劑量,逐步增加至52滴,每日2次。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bry/bry32331/u/4.jpg">
兒童 — 每日早上服用一次,滴1滴至4盎司的水或果汁中飲用。每2周增加1滴劑量,逐步增加到26滴,每日2次。
成人 — 每日早上服用一次,1-3滴至10盎司的水或果汁中飲用。每週增加1-3滴劑量,逐步增加至52滴,每日2次。
網路價:2,104元,結帳享5%折扣後 1,999 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/biu/biu00324/u/13.jpg">
支持塑身 能量 一般健康 不含纖維素和二氧化矽 膳食補充劑 GCA Bio Nutrition採用極高等級的綠咖啡豆(GCB)提取物,標準化為提供50%綠原酸和經醫學試驗並獲得專利的GCA。極近的研究表明,在綠咖啡豆提取物中發現的綠原酸可以有助於健康塑身,並促進一般健康。
網路價:851元,結帳享5%折扣後 809 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/biu/biu00309/u/13.jpg">
Ultra-Potent Once Daily Gelatinized Maca Root For Men and Women Energy/Stamina Mental Alertness Mood Enhancement Libido/Sexual Health Hormonal Balance General Health Maca from Peru! Dietary Supplement Vegetarian Bio Nutrition’s Maca-Max is an ultra-potent form of gelatinized Maca Root in a once daily 1,000 mg tablet. Gelatinized Maca has undergone a comprehensive purification process removing unwanted pathogens, toxins and starches that are found in standard Maca products. Gelatinized Maca is up to 90% more absorbable then non gelatinized Maca Root.
網路價:397元,結帳享5%折扣後 378 元
Mix 1 scoop with 8 fl. oz. of water, juice or your favorite beverage.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bey/bey10120/u/8.jpg">
Vegan Soy Free Gluten Free Non-GMO USDA Organic Certified Organic by QAI Circulation Libido Performance Dietary Supplement Natural Passion Booster
To naturally increase your sexual prowess, look to compounds such as Peruvian maca, ZMA and ginseng to help your body produce testosterone and boost libido, plus beet, celery and pomegranate to provide nitrates that help improve circulation. Together, these gifts of nature may help improve sex drive, passion and performance in the bedroom.
Mix 1 scoop with 8 fl. oz. of water, juice or your favorite beverage.
網路價:443元,結帳享5%折扣後 421 元
志明 發表在 痞客邦 留言 (0) 人氣( )
2023: Dude Products, 可衝洗溼巾,薄荷清涼,48 片溼巾.........
2023: Lundberg, Sweet Dreams,有機糙米糖漿,16 液量盎司(450 毫升).......
2021: Now Foods, NutraFlora FOS,純粉末,4盎司(113克).......
2020: 【aqi潔麗雅】自然微風 紫錐花逆齡洗髮露AC(260ml).......
2020: 【natural】兒童球球髮束髮夾 BB夾(髮圈髮束髮夾hb144 hc126)..............
2020: Nature^s Answer, 黃芪,不含酒精,2000 毫克,1 液量盎司(30 毫升).........
2020: Eclectic Institute, 肝膽淨化強化補充劑,3.17盎司(90克)........
2020: 【ViVi PARK 停車場】市值$5700元平假日敬業二路停車場無限次數進出連續90日★限停一般小客車停車..............
2020: USAMS Airpods 1/2代通用 矽膠耳機盒保護軟套(白) 附掛勾及防丟繩......
2020: Zesty Paws, Pure Salmon Oil for Dogs and Cats, All Natural Supplement, 32 fl oz (946 ml)......
2020: Nature^s Answer, 馬栗,250 mg,90粒植物膠囊......
2020: 【沙鷗】藝術116 琴戀克拉拉(DVD).........
2020: Whole World Botanicals, 皇家瑪卡,500 毫克,180凝膠膠囊............
2020: Nature^s Way, Sambucus, Standardized Elderberry, Organic Syrup, 4 fl oz (120 ml)......
2020: 越南魂:語言、文字與反霸權..............
2020: ADERIA 日本進口花型玻璃杯四件組185ML.............
2020: 【ANIBIO 德國家醫寵物保健系統】生食/鮮食必須營養粉(德國家醫)...........
2020: RSP Nutrition, Truefit,草飼乳清蛋白奶昔,巧克力味,2 磅(940 克)..........
2020: EcoDiscoveries, 寵物濃縮淨味及去污劑,2液盎司(60毫升),附加1個32液盎司(946毫升)空噴霧瓶..............
2020: 第二代【飛利浦 PHILIPS】美光廣角護眼LED檯燈 FDS980 ( 淺粉紅 )..........
2020: 【英國Kokoso baby】奇肌潤膚油70g(100%天然有機椰子油萃取)........
2020: 【台北 梅門防空洞】五行平忍雙人套餐券............
2020: 【SunFlower三花】55三花1/2五趾襪-白(男女適用/襪子/健康襪)..........
2020: 橘子乾洗 11110元洗衣/送洗服務即享券(免運到府收件)★開館慶6折......
2020: Nature^s Bounty, 有機椰子油,7盎司..........
2020: LG喜馬拉雅粉晶鹽PUMPING牙膏285g-冰澈薄荷........
2020: 【礁溪長榮鳳凰酒店】單人慢活SPA溫泉券......
2020: Nature^s Way, Vitex Fruit, 400 mg, 320 Vegan Capsules.....
2020: YSA 車用可調式掛鉤.....
2020: Mrs. Meyers Clean Day, 檸檬馬鞭草多功能日常清潔劑,16液盎司(473毫升).........
2020: 【PENTAX】KP單機身(公司貨)..............
2020: SWAROVSKI 施華洛世奇 SOLITAIRE簡約圓形水晶玫瑰金耳環............
2020: 【ESTAPE】幾何易撕貼隨手卡-MEMO可書寫(菱形)............
2020: 【apbs】iPhone6s/6 4.7吋施華洛世奇彩鑽手機殼(夢想氣球).............
2020: Nature^s Way, Ginkgo, 60 Vegan Capsules............
2020: 【蒂巴蕾】知足嚴選抗菌消臭隱形深口綿襪-紙飛機(3入)........
2020: 【YIDIE 衣蝶】紅點點黑薄紗八分裙.............
2020: 【SANLUX 台灣三洋】40坪負離子空氣清淨機(ABC-R40).........
2020: 【自然時記x4入優惠組】Yogurt bite 優格咬一口(顛覆你對優格的想像)...........
2020: Now Foods, 布拉氏酵母菌,50 億個 CFU,120 粒素膠囊........
2020: 日本TANITA自動辨識七合一體組成計BC758(三色).......
2020: 【日本大王GOO.N】境內版阿福狗褲型紙尿褲/尿布M 74片X3串(共222片)............
2020: 戴帽子的貓(1~20集) DVD※附導讀手冊.........
2020: 麻新智慧型鉛酸電瓶汽機車充電器-sc1000(超值款)........
2020: 阿華有事嗎 韓國襪子 滿版芝麻街中筒襪 韓妞必備中筒襪 正韓百搭純棉襪..........
2020: Christopher^s Original Formulas, 紫草根提取物,2液體盎司(59毫升).............
2020: Vet Organics, EcoSpot,天然皮膚護理,皮膚舒緩劑,潔膚劑,貓狗適用,4 液體盎司(118 毫升).........
2020: 摩達客 雙肩大背包式寵物拉桿箱(迷彩色/拉背提三用/可拆卸拉桿拖板)........
2020: 【德國okiedog】多功能親子包Mondrian sphinx(黃色)............
2020: ReserveAge Nutrition, Berberine, Cardiovascular Support, 60 Veggie Capsules..............
2020: 【LOTUS】揮桿練習棒........
2020: 【A&L老工匠】韓國都會頭層牛真皮托特包(深酒紅)........
2020: 橘子乾洗 11110元洗衣/送洗服務即享券(免運到府收件)★開館慶6折.......
2020: Teami, Tumbler On-the-Go, Green, 20 oz............
2020: 【名廚美饌】任選_ 薑母鴨(1000g / 固形物佔450g).............
2020: Vet Organics, EcoEars, Ear Cleaner For Dogs, 8 fl oz (237 ml).............
2020: 英國Abelia 白日夢飛翔 天使絨涼被 (5x6尺).............
2020: Zesty Paws, Pure Salmon Oil for Dogs and Cats, All Natural Supplement, 32 fl oz (946 ml).........
2020: Vet Organics, EcoEars, Ear Cleaner For Dogs, 8 fl oz (237 ml)..............
2020: 【彩糖鑽工坊】GIA 50分 D/VS2 頂級車工+H&A八心八箭車工(18K 鑽戒求婚戒 2選1)..............
2020: Nature^s Way, Echinacea Goldenseal, 99.9% Alcohol Free , 1.01 fl oz (30 ml).........
2020: 【山水樂會館】露天風呂單人泡湯(假日不加價)..........
2020: 【北投麗禧溫泉酒店】北投麗禧露天風呂 假日.....
2020: 橘子乾洗 11110元洗衣/送洗服務即享券(免運到府收件)★開館慶6折............
2020: Source Naturals, 牛至油,60粒..........
2020: EcoDiscoveries, 寵物濃縮淨味及去污劑,2液盎司(60毫升),附加1個32液盎司(946毫升)空噴霧瓶.........
2020: 【Berghaus 貝豪斯】男款輕量溫度調節防潑水鵝絨外套(F22MM6藍).........
2020: NUK, Learner Cup, 6+ Months, Pink, 1 Cup, 5 oz (150 ml)......
2020: KD502PC 加安 三合一電子鎖 G2X2D01ACE............
2020: 【MOLESKINE】彩色點格筆記本/軟紫192/P(筆記本)...........
2020: D&A Samsung Galaxy Tab A 8.0日本原膜9H藍光增豔螢幕貼.........
2020: 【生活采家】三刀頭快速刨絲切片料理機(滾筒式切削)............
2020: 七工匠 7artisans 35mm F2.0 FX mount 全幅微單鏡頭..........
2020: De La Cruz, 龍膽紫,急救傷口適用,1液盎司(30毫升)..........
2020: 【買一晚送一晚】嘉義雲登景觀飯店雙人(平日升等親子房或觀景房)...........
2020: Zesty Paws, Pure Salmon Oil for Dogs and Cats, All Natural Supplement, 32 fl oz (946 ml)...........
2020: NATURELO, 哺乳期女性專用產後綜合維生素素膠囊,180 粒裝.......
2020: 【開運世家-買一送一】居家開運-大銅鈴-招財守財-趨吉避凶(適合掛於-門把、鹽燈上、紫晶洞內-強力吸金).............
2020: ZyXEL合勤 5埠GbE無網管型PoE+交換器 GS1005HP......
2020: Zesty Paws, Pure Salmon Oil for Dogs and Cats, All Natural Supplement, 32 fl oz (946 ml)..........
2020: 民族風刺繡點綴五分荷葉袖鏤空綁帶領口高含棉上衣-OB嚴選......
2020: Zesty Paws, Pure Salmon Oil for Dogs and Cats, All Natural Supplement, 32 fl oz (946 ml).............
2020: Stasher, 可重複使用矽樹脂食品袋,零食大小,小號,透明,9.9液體盎司(293.5毫升).....
2020: 【暖女孩必備!!溫暖深咖啡-眼線膠筆】添加荷荷芭油 呵護眼周肌膚(可可棕)........
2020: Vet Organics, EcoEars, Ear Cleaner For Dogs, 8 fl oz (237 ml)............
2020: Vet Organics, EcoSpot,天然皮膚護理,皮膚舒緩劑,潔膚劑,貓狗適用,4 液體盎司(118 毫升).........
2020: Nature^s Way, Primadophilus® 兒童專用咀嚼片,香橙味,30 億 CFU,30 片裝.............
2020: 【Natural D】美國Natural D 活力百百高單位B+C(30粒*5盒)...........
2020: 【鈦安餐具 TiANN】環保愛地球 幸運草 純鈦吸管 單支(12mm)...........
2020: Mrs. Meyers Clean Day, Multi-Surface Everday Cleaner, Basil Scent, 16 fl oz (473 ml).....
2020: 拭拭樂 BobDog純水潔膚柔濕巾 80抽 24入..........
2020: 塔雅思特濃牛奶軟糖-香蕉風味(80g).............
2020: Johnson & Johnson, Calming Shampoo, 13.6 fl oz (400 ml)............
2020: 【YANG YI 揚邑】iPhone 11 PRO MAX/XS MAX 精雕大弧邊全膠滿版防爆鋼化玻璃保護貼(黑)........
2020: Molly^s Suds, 羊毛乾燥球,3個球......
2020: EcoDiscoveries, 潔廁噴霧劑,2液體盎司(60毫升),贈 1噴霧瓶.....
2020: BonTon 原木系列 圓形蜜粉/粉餅刷 RTK02 特級尖鋒羊毛.......
2020: 【音圓】金曲金選卡拉OK超值組 (NV-530)...........
2020: EcoDiscoveries, 寵物濃縮淨味及去污劑,2液盎司(60毫升),附加1個32液盎司(946毫升)空噴霧瓶..............
2020: ChildLife, 含初乳的益生菌,混合漿果味,90 片咀嚼片......